Its tough when you get a pile of content and read and read and read, and after getting totally overwhelmed and exhausted, you allow yourself one day to write and edit.
Worst of all, then you judge yourself for not being as good as THE economist.
One of two things happen…….
Scenario 1---- You come up with what seems like crap material, which actually is a lot of information crammed together with a lot of potential. It gets you all demoralized. You give up. Writing is not for you.
Scenario 2---- You don’t even finish the writing.
A month later, you think how and why you stopped writing altogether. Then you write down a few eloquent messages, feel good about yourself again.
The cycle perpetuates.
Moral of the story is that you should not overburden yourself, especially with something that you love. It should be a good thing. Not something to terrorize you.
Accept the truth.
That you have not written a lot in the past.
It will not suddenly come.
You will need to write more.